Garden News

On Tuesday, August 11th, Year Three Red and Kindy Red went to the school garden on a Minibeast hunt. The children had to carefully search for a variety of minibeast that live in the garden.

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Aranmore Netball Club

Good luck to the year 3/4 girls for their last game this week. I hope you have had a really fun season, and I just want to say thank you to all of you for being fabulous ambassadors for our school.

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A Musical Afternoon

On Sunday afternoon on the 2nd August the students from Aranmore Catholic Primary School, who are participating in the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival, treated their Parents, Grandparents and Friends to a wonderful concert.

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Congratulations to our 2015 Speak Up competitors! Jordan Higginson presented a fascinating speech on random facts, Sam Thomas presented on his fears about attending and succeeding at High School and Yulo Palma gave a heartfelt and amusing tale about his life growing up. All three students did Aranmore CPS proud and we hope to see…

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Last Saturday some lovely ladies lounged leisurely in their Pyjamas and Pearls watching the classic and highly amusing movie, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!! Thank you to Paula Clemente for her Arbonne facial donation, Kerry Ceridwen for poster design and cupcake baking, Caterina O’Loughlin and Dee Rowse for their cupcakes too, Alison Wilmot for her donation of…

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A Taste of Aranmore

On Tuesday, our Year Three students and their teachers Mrs Bubnich, Mrs Raschilla and Mrs Rimmer were treated to “A Taste of Aranmore”. They went to Aranmore College to partake in three different secondary school activities. They made slime in the Science department, made a card in the Art department and made a cookie in…

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Year Three children plant potato seedling with kind donation from the Potato Marketing Corporation.

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2015 Eagles, Glory and West Coast Fever Cup

Well done to all our players participating in this year’s Eagles, Glory and West Coast Fever Cup Competition. The children always look forward playing these Cup games and the feedback that I have received from our teachers, umpires/referees and other teachers has been very positive. I commend all our players on their sportsmanship and conduct…

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