Mission Fundraising Day / Lifelink Day – Friday 5th June

The children all looked amazing today in their cultural costumes – getting into the spirit of the day. The monies raised will go towards Mercy and Christian Brother mission agencies as well as St John Bosco School in Cherrapungee and towards LifeLink agencies here in WA. The children also got into the spirit of “linking…

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Zumbathon 2015 was held on Thursday 4 June and it was fun and full of energy!! Special thanks to our Zumba instructor, Sacha Schmidt, who so generously gives of her time to ensure that the children have a wonderful time. Lots of parents came to cheer on their youngsters, and even participate. Well done and…

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Learning Hub

Innovative learning has taken a step forward at Aranmore Catholic Primary School with the opening of its new Learning Hub. The Learning Hub caters for the 21st century learner in a non-traditional learning environment. Decked out with all the high-tech tools and a mix of work spaces, including cosy small group zones, the Learning Hub…

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ANZAC DAY Prayer Assembly

ANZAC DAY Prayer Assembly

This morning we had a meanginful ANZAC Day prayer service at school. City of Vincent Mayor John Carey and Perth MP Eleni Evangel were special guests. Our Year Six students took part in the Perth Electorate Primary Schools Anzac Centenary essay competition and the Hon Peter Collier MLC, Minister for Education, read all the essays.…

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